Year 6 Staff

Year 6 - Oak and Beech

Mrs Armstrong - Class teacher (Beech)/ Deputy Head

Mrs Armstrong - Class teacher (Beech)/ Deputy Head

Mr Stockdale - Class teacher (Oak)

Mr Stockdale - Class teacher (Oak)

Mrs Hill

Mrs Hill

Miss Blamire

Miss Blamire

Miss Aun

Miss Aun


Welcome to Year 6, your final year of Maryport CE Primary School. We are so excited for the many experiences, trips and learning that we have in store for you over the year. We have visits in our local area, to a residential in London, use iPads regularly within our lessons, use drama and creative approaches to make learning memorable - we make sure that there is always something for everyone! 


Throughout the year, we work really hard to ensure that you will have the best opportunity possible to reach your highest potential and shine. Although Year 6 can be challenging at times, we have lots of fun along the way, making some lovely lasting memories.


Over the year, you will mature and take on more responsibilities that Year 6 brings, these will all equip you as you take on your next journey to secondary school.


We work in a safe, stimulating environment, where you are reminded regularly about having the Christian values at the forefront of your actions. 


We look forward the year ahead - let the fun begin!


Mr Stockdale and Miss Dover



Geography - Creating web pages for climate change

Take a look at the web pages that our Year 6 children have created on climate change.


Art - Album Cover

We have enjoyed making design decisions to compose and edit an interesting photographic composition for an album cover in the style of Derrick Ofosu Boateng.








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